WATCHOUT | HBO releases pictures of GOTS8E4 and it's all about big prep for the battle ahead

Will House Stark avenge their dead or the bond between Dragon queen with Jon affect their plans?
The cast of Game Of Thrones.
The cast of Game Of Thrones.

All the Game of Thrones fans out there, here is a breather with HBO releasing some pictures of the upcoming episode 4 and which hints at the shady aftermath and the battle preparations possibly to take over King's Landing and the throne, ending Cersei's reign.

In the previous most-epic 82-minute battle at Winterfell episode, Arya Stark emerged as a show-stopper killing Night King and his army once and for all, which left viewers with a lot of questions about survivals and alliances. 

Are we to witness Cleganebowl? or Cersei vs Daenerys face-off? Are we to see some major plot twist and unprecedented deaths? remains to be seen. 

The pictures released by HBO only scratch the surface of the ocean of mystery that lies deep beneath entwined with the lives of the main characters.  

1. With Euron Greyjoy being the new ally of Cersei and her underplan to kill her brothers what other limits can she cross to maintain her reign and retain her throne? 

Cersei looking at her army along with Euron Greyjoy who's probably still 'trying to 
earn his queen.' 

2.  Having won the long night war and realising Jon's identity, Daenerys seems even more determined to win over what she considers as rightfully hers. The Iron Throne. 

Daenerys along with Missandei and Lord Varys discussing plans ahead. We know finally that Lord Varys is still alive!
Daenerys along with Missandei and Lord Varys discussing plans ahead. We know finally that Lord Varys is still alive!

3.  It seems like Jon still doesn't know anything!

Our big-hearted, kind Jon Snow or should we say 'Aegon Targaryen' can be seen holding a log fire to light a funeral pyre to depart the dead with respect.
Our big-hearted, kind Jon Snow or should we say 'Aegon Targaryen' can be seen holding a log fire to light a funeral pyre to depart the dead with respect.

4. Will House Stark avenge their dead or the bond between Dragon queen with Jon affect their plans? We certainly hope to see more of Arya being the faceless assassin and closing green-eyes (supposedly Cersei's). 

Bran, Arya and Sansa Stark along with Winterfell commoners who've survived the war attending the funeral to pay respects to the lives lost in the war. 
Bran, Arya and Sansa Stark along with Winterfell commoners who've survived the war attending the funeral to pay respects to the lives lost in the war. 

Will they ever come to know about Jon's lineage? If they do, we certainly look forward to the reactions. Until then, Valar Morghulis, Valar Dohaeris. 

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