'Legitimate conversations are happening': Alison Brie on 'Community'

The comedy show, created by Rick & Morty co-creator Dan Harmon, centred around the life of a diverse group of people who bond after they sit together as a study group in a community college.
A still from 'Community'.
A still from 'Community'.
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1 min read

Community co-star Alison Brie revealed in an interview that “legitimate conversations are happening,” when asked about the long-awaited Community film. In a podcast appearance, the actor was asked about whether Community, which ended with its sixth season in 2015, will ever receive the promised feature-length continuation of the story.

She replied, “You know what, I’ll say it. There’s been movement. There have been some talks. People are talking and certain things, wheels are turning. I said it!,” the actor then cautiously added “I’m saying there are legitimate conversations that are happening.

Whether or not they will ever turn into an actual movie — I would love it if they did, and I hope that they do. But the fact alone that actual real conversations are happening is I think the most progress we’ve ever made on that front.”

The comedy show, created by Rick & Morty co-creator Dan Harmon, centred around the life of a diverse group of people who bond after they sit together as a study group in a community college. The series was noted for its clever pop-culture references and playful jibes at well-established film and TV tropes.

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