Actor Adam Sandler confirmed in a recent interview that Happy Gilmore 2 is all set to go on floors in a couple of weeks. The sequel will be shot in New Jersey and the cast is set to feature real professional golfers.
“We start in a couple weeks. It’s good. We worked hard on the script. We didn’t want to let anybody down. People have been asking me for a long time. We’re really excited about it. We wrote our asses off. So many of the golfers are being nice and will be a part of it,” said Sandler. In another interview, Sandler also said that director and screenwriter Benny Safdie is playing a key role in the sequel. “He’s going to have a juicy part in that. So it’s fun to be back with these guys.”
Dennis Dugan’s Happy Gilmore (1996) featured Sandler in the titular role.