Bruce Campbell, known for playing the role of Ash Williams in the Evil Dead franchise, revealed that an animated series is in the works. “We are developing an animated version, like a series. I love the idea of an Evil Dead series, and I could see it being completely bonkers! They could really go above and beyond anything they’ve done with the live-action projects,” said Campbell.
The horror franchise was originally created by Sam Raimi, who wrote and directed the first three films that were released between 1981 and 1992. Evil Dead has also been adapted to other formats, such as a television series and a video game.
Campbell also hinted at two new movies in the pipeline. In a recent interview, the actor said, “The future is two more damn movies. We’ve got two new fabulous directors that have two new scripts in the shoot, and we think we’ve suckered a studio into coughing up the dough for both, since they seem to still make money.”