Akshaye Khanna, who was recently seen in Article 375, will next be seen in the comedy film, Sab Kushal Mangal. The film, which marks the acting debut of Priyaank Sharma and Riva Kishan, is directed by first-time filmmaker, Karan Vishwanath Kashyap. While Priyaank is the son of yesteryear actress Padmini Kolhapure, Riva is the daughter of actor Ravi Kishan.
“It’s a very sweet film. Mostly when you think of comedies now a days, they are about double meaning and slapstick but Sab Kushal Mangal can we watched with the whole family without any hesitation,” said Akshaye Khanna.
Talking about working with a debutant director, Akshaye said, “So many films helmed by first-time directors have done well. You never know who has a good story and what becomes successful. I think if one likes the story and is convinced by the director’s vision then him or her being a first time director should not matter.” Produced by Prachi Nitin Manmohan, and presented by Nitin Manmohan’s One Up Entertainment, Akshaye Khanna and Abhishek Jagdish Jaiswal, Sab Kushal Mangal releases on 3rd January.