Back in 2016, Little Things premiered on YouTube as this romcom that found instant popularity among the youth. Five years later, the show has now migrated to Netflix with the reputation of being India’s longest-running series. As the curtains have finally come down with the fourth and final season, we have a conversation with the show’s stars, Dhruv Sehgal and Mithila Palkar.
The journey of Little Things from just another YouTube romcom to one of India’s most popular shows has been enviable...
Dhruv (D): There has been a lot of growth over this period. Right now, we just feel a lot of gratitude to have experienced something for so long.
How has the migration from YouTube to a bigger platform like Netflix been?
D: Of course, the making got a bit more scaled up. With better cameras and production values, it looks more beautiful. But in terms of writing, nothing much has changed.
How did you react to the realisation that this was the finale?
Mithila (M): It’s been a bittersweet feeling. Of course, it’s going to be sad to leave everything behind but it’s amazing to receive the kind of love we’ve got over these years.
D: It’s very much the same for me also. Because as actors and creators, you want to be stimulated with work. You don’t want to approach it with a sense of fatigue.
Given an option, would you guys love to come back as Dhruv and Kavya, maybe years later..
D: I guess, yeah...
M: We’ll know that three years later. For us, it has still not sunk in that the show has come to an end.