Mihir Fadnavis’ Lords of Lockdown is officially selected at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne, 2022. Lords of Lockdown is based on the tragic realities faced by the daily wage workers during the pandemic.
The film is produced by Navin Shetty, and Anurag Kashyap and directed by Mihir Fadnavis. Lords of Lockdown first premiered at the New York Indian Film Festival in April. It’s the first joint venture with Antifa Films and Atraxia Films.
Navin shared, “I am really delighted about our selection at the prestigious ‘Indian Film Festival of Melbourne.’ Lords of Lockdown shall always be a special film.
I am glad that our film could realistically portray the grave issues faced by our very own countrymen after the lockdown was imposed.” The Indian Film Festival of Melbourne will take place in Melbourne from August 12-20, both on the ground and virtually.