To face the arc lights has been a childhood wish of Sanjana Doss, who is all set take forward her dream. This young diva will be making her début with director Ratnam, for whom this will also be his first film. Titled Manasmitha, in this art cum commercial film Sanjanna is paired opposite newbie Charan Gowda along with Atul Kulkarni, Bhavani Prakash, Pallavi Purhohith and Veena Ponnappa as part of the cast.
As she starts the shoot from April, she is getting ready to juggle between pursuing her studies at Mount Carmel and the filming. An excited Sanjana says, “I always wanted to become an actor since I was a child, but it just took a bit of time to convince myself and my parents. All of us knew where to begin and while I was figuring out how to start, this project came through.”
It has taken a couple of years, to make this move, admits Sanjana, who adds that either she didn’t agree with the script completely or they thought she was too young and inexperienced. It was her uncle, Sanjay Hantaram, who has done around 52 films as a child actor and a serial artiste, came as her biggest connection in auditioning for a couple of projects. “Dance was always my biggest strength and recently I had a brush up on acting skills at Nagathihalli Chandrashenkar’s Tent Cinema,” says Sanjana, who is now been taking guidance from Bhavani Prakash, who is part of Manasmitha.
Having previously modelled too, Sanjana tells CE, why she planeed to begin with a genre that combines art and commercial. “It has elements that I am comfortable with and there is a lot of scope.
The role, or the genre, that the director has planned, I thought would bring out my versatility, and I felt that it was a prefect project to begin with. More on this I will get to experiment once I start the shoot,” she says.