Actor-director Krishna is happy to have finally wrapped up the shooting of Love Mocktail 2. He is now left with half a day of patchwork. The film, jointly produced by Krishna and Milana Nagaraj, has Rachel David playing the female lead. Krishna told CE that he is simultaneously handling the post-production and trimming the second half of the film. The actor is quite excited about the output.
The success of Love Mocktail has created bigger expectations for the sequel among fans, and Krishna says, “Love Mocktail 2 was challenging than for part 1. With the first film, I knew the route and how I should go about the story. Love Mocktail 2 happened just because of the appreciation I received from the audience. However, when I wanted to give more to the audience with the sequel, it became challenging,” he says.
Krishna is now planning to be ready with the first copy in a month. However, he is yet to decide on when he wants to release the film in theatres. “The coronavirus situation does not permit us to plan the release date, and I will think about the release as and when everything is normal,” says Krishna.
When asked if he has plans for opting for an OTT release, he says, “It again depends on how things pan out. If things get delayed for too long, I have to plan for an alternate way to release the film. As of now, I will get the film ready.”
The film cast also consists of newcomer Sushmitha, Abilash, and Kushee Achar. With Nakul Abhayankar scoring the music, Love Mocktail 2 has cinematography by Sri Crazy Mindz. Meanwhile, Krishna, who has wrapped up, is almost done with choreographer-director Nagendra Prasad’s Kannada debut. He also has Sugar Factory, and Love Me or Hate Me in the pipeline.