BENGALURU: Director Shashank, whose debut film Moggina Manasu starring Yash, Radhika Pandit and Shubha Poonja, recently turned 14 years, is now waiting for the release of his new film Love 360. It has been announced that the film will hit screens on August 19 as the release date.
It will be releasing alongside Dhananjay- Rachita Ram’s Monsoon Raaga. Starring Praveen and Love Mocktail-fame Rachana Inder as the leads, Love 360 is billed as a romantic thriller.
According to director Shashank, the film tells an unconditional love story of a boy and a girl, and how they stand by each other under all circumstances. He had also mentioned that Love 360 will be a fictional story, and the narration will be realistic sans melodrama. The film has music by Arjun Janya and cinematography by Abhilash Kalathi.