Thapaswini Poonacha and Rachana Inder will be sharing screen space with Rishab Shetty in the upcoming comedy-drama, Harikathe Alla Girikathe. Ahead of the film’s release on June 23, in a conversation with CE, the two female leads open about their experience in working with the film, which is produced by Sandesh Production and directed by the duo Karan Ananth and Anirudh Mahesh. For Thapaswini, her entry into the tinsel town was an accident and the offer came knocking on her door just when she completed her studies.
“For someone, who has no experience or training in acting, getting an offer to act in Rishab Shetty’s film is a boon,” says Thapaswini, who plays the character, named Kushi Jokumaraswamy. “I was only testing waters with HKGK. However, the learning experience I have gained in this film has given me wings, and I’m now taking my acting career seriously,” she adds.
HKGK is my first attempt at comedy: Rachana Inder
Rachana Inder, who marked her debut with Love Mocktail, is excited to act in HKGK and to team up with Rishab Shetty. “I am pretty excited about the film because my role in it is not the typical one you see in commercial films. I play the role of Girija Thomas, a tomboy character. She aspires to become a heroine, and she enjoys watching action films. Her encounter with Giri (Rishab Shetty) and the villain for a movie collaboration leads to a roller coaster ride that is HKGK,” she says.
The film is her first attempt at comedy, and Rachana says that she was happy to have a team that helped her perform. “As a newcomer, I still feel hesitant to perform and deliver the dialogues. However, Rishab and the team gave me that comfort zone and confidence,” she says. Rachana also has Ganesh’s Tribble Riding and director Shashank’s Love 360 in her kitty.