Shivarajkumar is one of the busiest actors in the Kannada industry, and at present, the focus is on his 125th film, Vedha. Directed by A Harsha, 60 per cent of the shoot is complete. While the action-fantasy drama has been creating the right kind of buzz since its inception, the latest development is that Zee Studios will be collaborating with Geetha Pictures in backing the film. Vedha will be a multilingual film that will be out in three languages -- Kannada, Tamil, and Telugu.
An official announcement of the collaboration was made at a grand event where the motion poster was unveiled too. Vedha has the tagline ‘The Brutal 1960’s’ and is a period drama set in a rural backdrop. The film has Ganavi Lakshman of Magalu Janaki-fame playing the female lead. The cast also consists of Shwetha Chengappa and Aditi Sagar among other prominent characters.
Vedha marks the fourth collaboration of Shivanna and Harsha after Vajrakaya, Bhajarangi, and Bhajarangi 2. The technical crew of the film consists of music director Arjun Janya, cinematographer J Swamy, and editor Deepu S Kumar.