Rakshit Thirthahalli is set to direct musician Adarsh Iyengar's maiden production venture. Titled Thimmana Mottegalu, the project will go on floors next fortnight. Based on the director's own novel, Kadina Nentaru, the film will be made under Adarsh's Sri Krishna Productions.
"Having made so many music videos with Rakshith and Hemanth Jois, I always knew the director's capabilities and his ethic. But after hearing this particular story from him, and also knowing what Hemanth can do with his music and background score, it added fuel to my thoughts to venture out into producing this movie and this is how it all began," says Adarsh.
Talking about his maiden production, Adarsh says, "It is important to make people realise how important it is to converse with nature and our local culture. Thimmana Mottegalu will remind us of this in its very own way."
"My goal, whether as a singer, musician or producer is to deliver quality entertainment that also sends an important message. This will be seen in my very first venture too," says Adarsh, who reveals that the rest of the details about the project will be out soon.