Shashank’s latest directorial, Kousalya Supraja Rama, starring Krishna, Milana Nagaraj, Nagabhushan, and Brinda Acharya, has got an excellent reception across Karnataka since its release on July 28. Although the film jointly produced by Kaurava Production House and Shashank Cinemas, is successfully entering its third week this Friday, a new challenge has surfaced.
Amidst the competition by recent releases in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi such as Jailer, Bhola Shankar, Gaddar 2, and Oh My God 2, the team behind KSR is grappling with concerns about screen allocation.
These fresh releases have further diminished the screen availability for Kannada films. Notably impacting Kousalya Supraja Rama, which currently boasts 120 scheduled showings in Bangalore. This situation has prompted the KSR team to formally address the issue with the Karnataka Board of Film Commerce, citing a perceived bias against Kannada films.
The team’s frustration grew due to a lack of response from multiplexes regarding their appeals for more family-oriented showtimes. Adding to their concerns, films in other languages are securing an imbalanced share of screenings. In response, the team is making an earnest plea to both relevant authorities and multiplex establishments for a more equitable approach, underscoring the pivotal role of Kannada films within Karnataka.