Krishna, of Love Mocktail fame, is gearing up for his next, Kousalya Supraja Rama, directed by Shashank. The film touted to be a romantic drama is slated for release on July 28. While Brinda Acharya plays the female lead, actor Milana Nagaraj is actively promoting the film alongside her husband Krishna. Right from creating reels with the trending Shivani song, to making the release date announcement, she has been doing a lot of talk for the film. This has sparked speculation about her on-screen reunion with Krishna in Kousalya Supraja Rama.
Despite the makers keeping this information tightly under wraps, our sources say that director Shashank, who plans to unveil the film's trailer on July 14 with Sudeep as the guest of honour, might shed light on Milana's presence in the film. If confirmed, this would mark the sixth collaboration of this off-screen couple on the silver screen.
Their previous works include Nam Duniya Nam Style, Charlie and the Love Mocktail series. They followed it up with Love Birds, and now their partnership continues with Kousalya Supraja Rama. Krishna's Kousalya Supraja Rama will be his third release of the year, following Mr Bachelor and Love Birds. He will be paired with Brinda Acharya, for the first time, who is known for her roles in Premam Poojyam and Juliet. The film also features an ensemble cast, including Nagabhushana, Rangayana Raghu, Sudha Belawadi, and Achyuth Kumar.
Kousalya Supraja Rama is jointly produced by Kourava Production House and Shashank Cinemas. Arjun Janya composes the music for the film, while Sugnan is the cinematographer.