Director Raghu Haasan is currently busy with Naanu Matthu Gunda’s sequel, and the shooting has already commenced in Mysuru. This second instalment of showcases the dog as the central character, accompanied by an interesting cast. Although the director has chosen to keep the cast under wraps, we have discovered that Rachana Inder, known for her role in Love Mocktail, will be playing the female lead.
The film tells the story of a dog that navigates through society following the loss of its owner, and Rachana is said to join the journey. The actor has previously been part of Rishab Shetty’s Harikathe Alla Girikathe, Love 360 directed by Shashank, and Tribble Riding, where she starred alongside Ganesh. Naanu Matthu Gunda 2 marks her first multilingual release as the film is scheduled to release in Kannada, Telugu, and Hindi.
The sequel produced by Poem Pictures has songs by RP Patnaik and background score by Ritwik Muralidhar. The film’s dialogue is penned by Rohit, Raman, and Tanvik G. V Nagendra Prasad will be penning the lyrics for the film.
Rachana Inder, who has joined the team has completed a couple of days of shooting. An official announcement of the actor coming on board will be made soon along with the details of the male lead.