Malashree, popularly known as the 'Lady Superstar of Kannada Cinema' is all set to make a comeback to the silver screen with 'Night Curfew', which is slated to release on April 12. An action-packed thriller, the film is a Kannada-Telugu bilingual with Malashree playing the role of a doctor who served in the army.
'Night Curfew' marks the fourth directorial of Ravindra Venshi who has previously helmed films like 'Puttani Safari', 'Matta', and 'Vasanthi Nalidaga'. The filmmaker has also penned the screenplay and dialogues for the upcoming film. Inspired by true events, 'Night Curfew' aims to explore the occurrences during the COVID-19 pandemic in a cinematic style infused with commercial appeal.
Produced by BS Chandrashekar under the Swarnaganga Films banner, the film will also star Ranjani Ragahavan. Known for her stint in television, Ranjani is now all set to focus on the big screen. Besides Malashree and Ranjani, the ensemble cast also includes Pramod Shetty, Rangayana Raghu, Sadhu Kokila, Manju Pavagada, Sahana Sri, Ashwin Ramesh, Vardhan Teerthahalli, Mandya Siddhu, Sadanand, Gangaraju, Nitin, Vasant Kumar.S, Baby Maulyamanjunath, Jyothi, Rajani, Shivaraj Shetty, Mahesh M, and Alsouru Rajkumar.
'Night Curfew' is devoid of songs and features only background music by MS Maruthi. With cinematography by Pramod Bharatiya, the film will feature action choreography by Jagvar Sannappa, and editing by C Ravichandra.