Prasad Vashist's journey in the film industry has been one of perseverance and dedication. After 10 years and over 16 films, including notable works like Buguri, Dada is Back, Mugulu Nage, Vijayanand, and Kranthi, Prasad is now set to make a mark as the lead in Kabandha. Reflecting on his long-standing connection with the big screen, Prasad shares a personal reason for Kabandha's release at the Anupama Theatre on August 9.
"My father, Nagaraj Rao, early in his career, sat at the ticket box office of this theatre for 2 years. Today, he is proud that his son is not only the face of the film but is also venturing into production with it and having it released at this theatre," says Prasad Vashist. He also takes the opportunity to thank his guru, Nischal, for guiding him to this point.
Having played key roles, Prasad considers being the face of the film a significant step up. "Of course, the story is what revolves around everything, and we just bring the characters to life. Moreover, sharing screenspace with noted actors like Kishore, Avinash, and even Prashanth Siddi and Yogaraj Bhat was a learning curve," says Prasad while adding, "I am looking at Kabandha as a foundation for my career."
In Kabandha, directed by Sathyanath, Prasad plays Nachiket, a hesitant, good-for-nothing character who experiences a transformative journey. "I could relate to my own life journey. At one point, I wanted to make a change, and I am glad that I could make it with Kabandha," he reflects.
The film explores a psychological horror element set against an agricultural backdrop. "The content is strongly rooted, and there is character depth," says Prasad, who asserts that the film deals with a subject that is much needed for today's generation. "Education about agriculture is important among the younger generation. Even though children are influenced by Western culture, they should study their roots. Moreover, agriculture is an important aspect of everybody's life, and understanding it leads to better living," says Prasad, who hopes that Kabandha will create some awareness while entertaining its psychological horror essence.
Produced by Kunjara Films in association with Hobox Studios, Kabandha features cinematography by Vishu Prasad, background music by Sai Teja and Raghothama NS, and editing by Satyajith Siddakatte.