Saanya Iyer is set to make her film debut in Gowri, alongside newcomer Samarjit Lankesh, under the direction of Indrajit Lankesh. While new to the big screen, Saanya is a seasoned television actor, having built a following as a child star.
“I started acting as a child because I loved the attention. Watching my mother, also an actor, I craved the same spotlight. I’ve done countless roles, even one-day parts, and discovered my true passion. It’s not about the fame, but about bringing a vision to life,” she shares.
Reflecting on her unique upbringing, Saanya adds, “Everyone at school knew me, and attendance was a challenge. I studied on set. It was tough, but worth it because I was living my dream.”
With Gowri gearing up for release this week, Saanya Iyer expresses her excitement about her debut role and the opportunity to work with newcomer Samarjit Lankesh and director Indrajit Lankesh.
“I’ve always dreamt of being a heroine, even as a child. Despite facing setbacks and rejections, I persisted with physical transformation and honing my acting skills. I firmly believe that goals are meant to be achieved. Even when offered a film earlier, self-doubt crept in. But Gowri finally happened,” she explains.
Saanya Iyer was pleasantly surprised when the director called her to offer the female lead role in Gowri. “I was on a Kashmir trek when I got the call. It was like a sudden shift in gears. The brief was clear, and I knew it was the right opportunity. Indrajit’s reputation precedes him. His vision is exceptional, and the character he created for me is complex and layered. I’m not just a pretty face; I have emotions and a story arc,” she explains.
On what she learned from the director, she adds, “Indrajit has a keen eye for detail. I aspire to direct one day, so I observed his style closely. As an actor, I maintained a distance but learned from afar.
Sharing the screen with newcomer Samarjit Lankesh was a new experience for Saanya. “It was a real give-and-take. I learned the nuances of transitioning from television to film, and Samarjit’s grounded nature greatly aided our on-screen chemistry.”
In the film, Saanya’s character forms a music band, requiring her to acquire a new skill. “The character’s backstory resonated with me personally, deepening my connection to the role. I can’t divulge the specific skill yet, but the learning process was enjoyable,” she reveals. Saanya hopes this role will be her big break and trusts her work.
Looking ahead, the actor who is in talks for a couple of projects, concludes, “Starting my career early allows me to build a substantial body of work. The silver screen is just the beginning; I have many more chapters to write. I’m eager to establish myself as an Indian actor while staying true to my Kannada roots. It’s an integral part of my identity.”