Actor Prajwal Devaraj, known for his versatility across genres, is venturing into uncharted territory with the horror film Rakshasa. Directed by Lohith H, who has previously helmed Mummy-Save Me and Devaki, the film is creating waves with its unique time-loop concept infused with horror -- a global first according to the director.
Interestingly, Prajwal, who openly admits to being a horror film phobic, used to seek refuge behind his wife while watching scary films. However, he has bravely stepped out of his comfort zone to take on this challenging role. The recently released teaser has already generated significant buzz, hinting at a thrilling cinematic experience.
Prajwal Devaraj takes on a harrowing role as a father desperately trying to shield his child from a menacing force in the time-loop horror Rakshasa. With each cycle, the stakes rise as he races against time to unravel the sinister mystery threatening his family. The film promises a heart-pounding experience, masterfully blending horror with the time-loop concept.
The recently unveiled teaser has generated immense excitement, with attendees at the launch, including Priyanka Upendra and Prithvi Ambaar, showering praise on Prajwal’s transformation and Lohith H’s innovative direction.
Director Lohith described Rakshasa as a special film with a specific focus on visual effects. The film was shot over 55 days at Ramoji Rao Film City. "This is the first time a horror film with a time loop concept is being attempted in Kannada cinema. Initially, I titled this film A Tale of Devil. However, with Darshan's film also titled Devil, and out of respect for the star, we decided to change it to Rakshasa," he mentioned while speaking at the launch.
The film also features Arun Rathod, Sridhar, Gautam, Somashekar, and Vihaan Krishna. Produced by Deepu BS, Naveen Gowda, and Manas under Shanvi Enterprises, Rakshasa has Nobin Paul handling the music and Jaybin P Jacob as the cinematographer. With shooting wrapped, the film which is currently in post-production, is scheduled to hit theatres on October 17.