Actor Gurunandan, known for his role in First Rank Raju, has not had a release since 2019's Missing Boy. In the meantime, he has completed three projects—Raju James Bond, Forest, and Happy Ending— which are all ready for release. He has also started a fresh venture where will play a stand-up comedian, and it kicked off recently with a muhurath ceremony attended by Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar and Prakash Shetty.
This yet-to-be-titled film marks the directorial debut of Sumanth Gowda, who has previously worked as an associate director on films like Chemistry of Kariyappa.
Gurunandan will also produce the film, with the working title of Production No 1, under his banner, Mandi Mane Talkies. For the comedy family drama, the actor has drawn inspiration from various stand-up comedians, particularly from North Karnataka.
Production on the project has commenced, with a 45-day schedule primarily set in Bengaluru. Thapaswini Poonacha, who played the role in Harikathe Alla Girikathe, will star opposite Gurunandan in it. The screenplay is written by Sharath Chakaravarthy, with music composed by Kiran Ravindra, who previously worked in Gurunandan's First Rank Raju. Shiv Sena, known for his work in the recent release Bheema, will handle the cinematography.