Nirup Bhandari, renowned for his roles in films like RangiTaranga, Rajaratha, Aadi Lakshmi Puraana, Window Seat, and Vikrant Rona, is making a bold departure from his usual ‘chocolate boy’ image. In his upcoming film Atikaya, Nirup is set to sport a gritty new look, featuring a bloodied face and wielding a long weapon, marking a striking transformation.
Directed by Nagraj Peenya, whose previous works include Padhe Padhe and Namak Haram. Peenya comes back after a brief hiatus with a fresh, action-packed narrative, and it signifies a major shift in his filmmaking style. Team Atikaya has already wrapped up its first phase of shooting in various parts of Bengaluru and is now preparing for the next phase of filming.
“Nirup Bhandari has put in tremendous effort to prepare for this role,” said director Nagraj Peenya. “He has transformed his physique and appearance to fit the intense nature of the character. This film showcases a completely new side of him that audiences haven’t seen before. His dialogue delivery will also bring a unique edge to the role.”
With Uday Leela handling the cinematography and Satish Aryan composing the music, Atikaya promises a high-octane thriller with Bhandari taking on a rugged role.