Ibbani Tabbida Ileyali, set to release on September 5, has unveiled its trailer, showcasing Chandrajith Belliappa's directorial debut. A romantic drama, the film tells the story of Siddharth, an aspiring cricket player who falls in love with Anahita, played by Ankita Amar. Due to certain circumstances, Siddharth ends up with Radha, portrayed by Mayuri. The trailer highlights Srivathsan Selvarajan's cinematography, music by Gagan Baderiya, and editing by Rakshit Kaup.
Backed by Rakshit Shetty’s Paramvah Studios, the film has garnered praise from its producer. Rakshit Shetty praised the team, particularly director Chandrajith Belliappa and the lead actors. “I’ve known Chandrajith for nine years, since he joined our writing team, called The Seven Odds,”
Rakshit shared. “He wrote a blog called Passionophoria, which included the story originally titled Dew Drops, Sunshine, and the Blade of Grass. I knew then that his writing was exceptional, and that’s where our journey together began.”
Rakshit also mentioned his trust in Chandrajith’s vision, granting him creative freedom while only visiting the set three times during the filming process. He revealed an investment of over Rs 6 crore for the project.
The cast expressed their gratitude to Rakshit Shetty and Chandrajith Belliappa for casting them in this story. Rakshit praised the performances, saying, “I’m confident that Ankita’s performance will be the talk of the town. Both Vihan and Ankita are set to receive awards and accolades.
Vihan’s subtle acting, with the captivating sparkle in his eyes, is sure to capture everyone’s attention.” He also commended Mayuri’s role, noting, “Even though she’s featured in only seven or eight scenes, her presence is unforgettable. All three actors have delivered truly remarkable performances.”