Vijay Kumar is currently enjoying the success of Bheema, which hit theatres on August 9 and continues to hold strong in theatres across Karnataka even in its third week. While the film continues to draw audiences, the actor and director has already announced his next project with his long-time associate, RR Vetri Vel (also known as Thambi).
Temporarily titled VK 30, Vijay made the announcement along with an interesting poster, which features the actor in a visionary pose with a reptile perched on his shoulders. The film’s poster also reveals that it comes from the same team behind the successful movies Salaga and Bheema which had music by Charan Raj, dialogues by Masthi and cinematography by Shiv Sena.
In a conversation with CE, Vijay expresses his excitement about teaming up with his associate, Vetri Vel. While he has kept the genre of the film a secret, he clarified that it won’t be another gangster film. Reflecting on his collaboration with his associate, Vijay shares, “Vetri has been with me for the last couple years, and he understands the pulse of my acting. We’re like-minded, and I consider an associate director to be one of the pillars of any project. I find Vetri extremely talented. Moreover, I’ve always wanted to see the technicians working with me grow. I aim to nurture them.”
As for his current work, Vijay Kumar has already completed half of the shooting for VK 29 with director Jadeshaa K Hampi. Once that project is wrapped up, he is set to shift his focus to VK 30. When asked about his next directorial venture, Vijay mentions that he’s committed to acting for now and will take some time before returning to the director’s chair.