Puneeth Rajkumar’s beloved classic, Jackie (2010), directed by Suri, is set for a grand re-release on March 15, coinciding with the actor’s birthday anniversary on March 17. This commercial entertainer, distributed by KRG Studios in association with Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar, will hit over 100 theaters.
“We’ve planned to re-release one blockbuster film of Appu every year on his birth anniversary, and it starts with Jackie,” says distributor Karthik Gowda. Explaining the choice of Jackie as the starting point, Karthik says, “Jackie was one of the most celebrated films of Puneeth Rajkumar. Furthermore, songs like ‘Ekka Raja Rani,’ ‘Jackie Jackie,’ and ‘Shiva antha Hogutide’ continue to captivate audiences and top the charts, adding to the film’s enduring charm. The scenes from the film are still immensely popular. Moreover, today, the trend of re-releases is gaining momentum in South Indian cinema. So we thought it is the best way to encapsulate that trend than with Jackie. I’m confident that the craze on day one for Jackie will be as intense as it was 15 years ago when the film was first released in 2010.”
Interestingly, the ticket prices for the re-release will remain normal as the distributors aim to celebrate Puneeth Rajkumar’s films. This will be the case every year; one of his films will see a theatrical re-release each year,” he says.
Jackie also marked the debut of Bhavana Menon, who is now an established actor in South Indian films. The film also featured Harshika Poonacha, Rangayana Raghu, and others in pivotal roles. Satya Hegde handled the cinematography, while V Harikrishna composed the music for the film.