Maryade Prashne, directed by Nagaraj Somayaji, explores the realities of middle-class life in a vibrant Bengaluru neighbourhood, with a twist of revenge. Set to release on November 22, it marks the debut production of Pradeepa’s Sakkath Studio.
While the film focuses on the often-overlooked aspects of life, Maryade Prashne intends to bring its characters’ emotional journeys to the forefront, offering a relatable experience. We spoke to the cast, including Rakesh Adiga, Poornachandra Mysuru, and Teju Belawadi, to hear about their experiences portraying characters who represent the middle class.
While director Nagaraj Somayaji shares his vision behind Maryade Prashne, which he says is a story about real people. It’s about the things we overlook in our daily lives and the impact of the decisions we make.
Rakesh Adiga, who plays Suri, an aspiring politician with a dark side. “This is my comeback project,” says Adiga. “Chamrajpete Suri is a character full of contradictions, and I’m excited to see how the audience reacts to him. The film is about the choices we make and their ripple effects on our lives.”
Poornachandra Mysuru is particularly excited about a key song in the film, calling it one of the highlights of his career. “I’m optimistic about Maryade Prashne. The film has resonated with audiences across age groups, and the music is something truly special.”
Teju Belawadi, known for portraying strong women, is proud of her role. “Maryade Prashne is a film that will change how we think about relationships and how we treat others. It’s a story that challenges perceptions of the middle class and highlights the everyday struggles and choices of ordinary people.”