We previously reported that Banaras-fame actor Zaid Khan is teaming up with Anil Kumar, the director of Upadhyaksha. The makers of the film, titled Cult, recently unveiled the first look poster, which generated considerable buzz.
The makers have now cast Rachita Ram as the film’s female lead. Director Anil Kumar, who has also penned the story, is working on a full-fledged commercial entertainer, with Zaid Khan and Rachita Ram expected to bring a fresh chemistry onscreen.
Last seen in Kranti and Matinee, Rachita Ram is currently working on Sanju Weds Geetha 2, directed by Nagashekar. She is also set to be seen alongside Vijay Kumar in Jadeshaa K Hampi’s upcoming film. In addition, Rachita is rumoured to make her Tamil debut with Rajinikanth’s Coolie, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. With Cult, she adds yet another project to her list.
Produced by Loki Cinemas, Cult’s technical team includes J S Wali as the cinematographer, Arjun Janya as the music director, K M Prakash as the editor, and Ravi Verma as the stunt choreographer.