Pramod Shetty, who is overwhelmed with the audience reception to his latest film Laughing Buddha, a comedy family drama produced by Rishab Shetty Films, is gearing up for his next project. Titled Karikaanu Guddada Melondu Adhika Prasanga, this film will see Pramod, known for his roles in Ulidavaru Kandanthe, Kirik Party, Ricky, Bell Bottom, Avane Srimannarayana, Tootumadike, and Kantara, stepping into another interesting character.
The makers have recently unveiled an exciting first-look poster for the film, which is directed by Anish Sharma. The first-time director, who has previously directed short films such as Vaddaradhaka and Shabari, presents a narrative set entirely in a village. According to the makers, the story revolves around an incident that evolves from a minor mistake into a major catastrophe, capturing the essence of drama and human emotion.
Joining Pramod Shetty in this venture are actors Raghu Shivamogga, Kiran Nayak, Manjunath Hegde, KG Krishnamurthy, and Chandrakala. The film was shot in the picturesque village of Idduvani in the Shivamogga district, with the involvement of the local community in production.
The technical team includes Sumant Sharma for cinematography, Sanjeev Jagirdar for editing, and Chetan Kumar for the musical score. Produced by Chittaranjan Kashyap, Vallabh Suri, and Sunith Halgeri under their banner, the film has wrapped up shooting and is currently in the post-production phase. It is expected to announce its release date soon.