With a bevy of blockbusters like Drishyam to their credit Mohanlal-Meena duo has often struck gold on screen. Though they share an amazing chemistry, the actress was not the initial choice to play Annieamma, the lead lady of Munthirivallikal Thalirkumbol.
“We wanted a classy beauty to play the wife of Mohanlal and Vidya Balan was our first choice,” says Sophia Paul, producer of the film. The team approached the Bollywood star who was pretty impressed by the character of a neglected homemaker.
“I made a synopsis in English for her and after reading that Vidya really wanted to be part of the film. But wriggling out of her schedule seemed quite difficult and that time she was busy with her Hindi projects,” says Sophia.
She adds that they have been approached for remake rights in a couple of languages and talks are on though nothing is finalised. “As of now we are just considering some names. The cast of the remakes will be announced shortly,” she says.