The filming of Kunchacko Boban's Allu Ramendran has commenced. The comedy thriller, which is directed by newcomer Bilahari K Raj, also stars Krishna Sankar, Aparna Balamurali, and Chandini Sreedharan. Dharmajan Bolgatty and Hareesh Kanaran are also reportedly part of the cast.
Kunchacko Boban recently finished filming G Marthandan's Johny Johny Yes Appa, which also stars Anu Sithara and Mamta Mohandas. As per reports, the film is ready for a release on September 20. Kunchacko also has Mangalyam Thanthunanena releasing on the same date. The film is directed by Soumya Sadanandan. Nimisha Sajayan plays the female lead.
Allu Ramendran is produced by Aashiq Usman under the banner of Aashiq Usman Productions. Jimshi Khalid, brother of Ee Ma Yau cinematographer Shyju Khalid, is in charge of the camera.