The first look of Biju Menon’s Kadha Innuvare was unveiled by the makers on Wednesday. The motion poster features Biju alongside renowned classical dancer Methil Devika, who is making her acting debut.
The film, eyeing an Onam release this year, is written and directed by Vishnu Mohan, who won the National Award for the Best Debut Film of a Director for Meppadiyan (2022).
In an earlier conversation with us, the director said, “Kadha Innuvare would resonate with anyone who has ever had a love story.”
The film also features Nikhila Vimal, Anu Mohan, Anusree, Hakkim Shahjahan, Siddique, Renji Panicker, Kottayam Ramesh, Krishna Prasad, Appunni Sasi, Kishore Satya and Jordi Poonjar in prominent roles.
Produced by Vishnu along with Jomon T John, Shameer Muhammed, and Krishnamoorthy, the film has been slated for Onam release in September.