Malayalam actor Indrajith Sukumaran announced through social media that he has wrapped up shooting for Anurag Kashyap’s next directorial. The upcoming film will mark the actor’s debut in Hindi. Details about the film have been kept under wraps.
Sharing the announcement, Indrajith wrote in the caption, “Wrapped up my first Hindi feature film with this incredible filmmaker and gem of a man, Anurag Kashyap. Really excited for you all to watch what we have made. Cheers to the good times.”
Anurag replied to the post, penning a note about the actor as he said, “It was sheer pleasure to work with you. You are not just a fantastic actor and human being; you’re love. Thank you for doing this, and this is just the beginning. You speak better Hindi than most actors acting in the Hindi film industry. It was an honour to work with you. See you soon. You are my younger brother for life.”
Indrajith will next be seen in Deepu Karunakaran’s Mr & Mrs Bachelor, opposite Anaswara Rajan. He is also part of the Mohanlal-starrer Lucifer’s second part, Empuraan, helmed by Prithviraj Sukumaran, in which he is expected to reprise his character, Govardhan.
While Anurag is awaiting the release of his directorial Kennedy, he was last seen as an actor in the Hindi web series Bad Cop.