Happy to play the second fiddle: Taramani actress Sarah

Actress Sarah considers herself fortunate to have landed Taramani with director Ram for her debut, and cannot wait for its release on August 11.
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Actress Sarah considers herself fortunate to have landed Taramani with director Ram for her debut, and cannot wait for its release on August 11.

Sarah makes no efforts to conceal her admiration for her director. The debutante, who clinched her role with a screen test, says, “My initial awe quickly gave way to sheer joy at working with the director. He treated everyone the same, right from the light boy to the established artistes.

He’s a perfectionist who gives his actors space and doesn’t mind going for any number of retakes to get the shot right.” Sarah says no acting school could have taught her the lessons she learned on the sets of this film.

Sarah, who plays a supporting character in the film, a friend to the protagonist played by Andreah, says, “Being a Malayali, I had a little trouble with the language at first. But my character has a Palakkad connect, which really helped.” Getting the lines well in advance also made things easy for her, though there were “some scenes where I had to prepare myself mentally.”

Even before the release of Taramani, which has been three years in the making, Sarah has finished working on another film, Indha Nilai Marum helmed by debutant Arunkanth where she plays a junior lawyer to YG Mahendra.

“The movie is a court room drama, with a focus on the dialogues. It’s also a thriller, and there is a surprise element to my character.”

Sarah has signed a Malayalam film, Rosa Poo, for the production venture of Shibu Thameen, who has a reputation for big-budget movies like Iru Mugan and Puli. “In that too, I play the second lead, but I have no complaints as the script is a multi-starrer where each character has a defining moment. Besides, these are early days and I just want to be a part of content-oriented scripts.”

Putting on hold two offers in Telugu is a conscious decision, says Sarah. “I want to first get a strong foothold in Tamil and Malayalam before exploring other industries.”

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