Bigg Boss Tamil contestants, Mahat and Aishwarya Dutta, will be joining hands for an upcoming romcom helmed by debutant Prabhu Ram C, a former assistant of Hollywood filmmaker Randy Kent. Director Prabhu says, “It’s a fun film on the lines of Idharkuthane Aasaipattai Balakumara and Vaalu.
Mahat plays a North Madras youngster who tries to impress an affluent girl (Aishwarya Dutta). The contrast between their characters will be interesting. “ On the choice of the lead actors, he says, “I wanted someone similar to GV Prakash and after watching Bigg Boss, I felt Mahat would be apt. I also found Aishwarya Dutta to be interesting as she was an influential presence in the show.”
The yet-to-be-titled film is produced by Varunalaya Cine Creations.
The film will go on floors next month and the makers are expected to announce the rest of the cast and crew soon.