The teaser of Prabhudheva’s 60th film, titled Wolf was unveiled by the makers on social media recently. The film is directed by Vinoo Venkatesh, who previously made Cinderella. Speaking about the film, Vinoo says, “Wolf can be expected to be a hypnotic thriller based on cult practices and beliefs. Hypnotic thriller is a subgenre, just like slasher or horror thriller. I thought it would be new to make such a film in Tamil.”
The director also added that Prabhudheva will be playing the role of an alcoholic writer who pens historic books. When asked about how he adapted the genre to Tamil cinema and brought in the aspects of occult, Vinoo explains, “While Western occult practices are commonly either Satanism or cannibalism, we have adapted to our nativity and witchcraft is no strange or new element for us. Even the practice of hexing is such as a localized concept and there will be a definite connect to our land.”
The shooting of Wolf has been completed and the post-production has been wrapped up. The makers are aiming for a theatrical release in September. The cast of the film also includes Raai Laxmi, Anasuya Bharadwaj, Anju Kurian, Ramesh Thilak, Lollu Sabha Swaminathan, Avinash and Sujatha. Laxmi, Anasuya and Anju will be playing sisters, while Ramesh Thilak will be portraying the role of Prabhudheva’s friend.
The technical crew of Wolf consists of composer Amrish and cinematography by Arul Vincent. Actors Vijay Sethupathi and Mugen Rao have sung for the film, the director revealed. Lawrence Kishore is the editor.
“Western films have explored this genre extensively. They are allowed to take in any freestyle and topic they want. We have not even started doing 10 per cent of R-rated films Hollywood is doing, in terms of showing gore or content for adult audience,” the director says when asked if his film suits the sensibilities of Indian audience and censor. Wolf will release in Tamil, Kannada, Telugu and Hindi.