Arjun Das and Dushara Vijayan have recently teamed up for the film Aneethi, helmed by director Vasantabalan. The film hit the theatres on July 21. It has now been learned that Aneethi will stream on aha on September 15.
The film also stars Vanitha Vijaykumar, Bharani, Suresh Chakravarthi, Pugazh, Aranthangi Nisha, Kaali Venkat, Sarah, Arjun Chidambaram, Subramaniam Siva, J Sathish Kumar and T Siva.
When the film was released in theatres, it opened to mixed reception," The film could have risen above the so-so space with some more finesse in treatment and crisp narrative and execution choices", reads an excerpt from the CE review of the film.
Aneethi is bankrolled by Vasanthabalan along with M Krishna Kumar, Murugan Gnanavel and Varadharajan Manickam under their new banner, Urban Boyz Studios.
The technical crew of Aneethi includes Vasanthabalan's usual collaborated GV Prakash composing the music, A M Edwin Sakay cranking the camera, and Ravikumar M on the edit.
The film was also released in Telugu as Blood and Chocolate.
(This story originally appeared on Cinema Express)