Tamil actor Jiiva is under fire after getting into a scuffle with a journalist during an event in Tamil Nadu's Theni. According to India Today and Hindustan Times, Jiiva denied instances of sexual harassment in the Tamil film industry and avoided answering questions about the Hema Committee report that brought out cases of exploitation in Mollywood. He then later lost his cool at a reporter.
When initially asked about the Hema Committee report, Jiiva said that he "heard about it too." "We had #MeToo part 1 and now part 2 has come. Now, people are openly naming them [abusers]. It’s wrong. We should have a healthy atmosphere in cinema," the actor added.
When prodded further, Jiiva refused to answer questions to maintain a ‘good atmosphere’ at the event. “We’ve come here for a good event, so let’s say good things. I’ve come to Theni after a long time. I’m coming here after shooting for a movie called Thenavattu. A lot of things are happening in a lot of industries. Your job is to gather news. Our job is to maintain a good atmosphere. As actors, we bring a smile to many people’s faces, and we have come here for that reason,” he stressed.
Post the release of the Hema Committee report, a lot of rampant sexual abuse cases in the Malayalam film industry came out. It also shed light on how those holding powerful positions in the industry continuously harassed female actors, junior artists and technicians.
When asked if issues of sexual harassment are prevalent in Tamil Cinema too, Jiiva claimed that it doesn't happen in Kollywood. “I’ve already replied to this, I can’t keep replying again and again”, he said. The actor also asked the reporter if they had sense, which led to a scuffle.
After the video went viral, noted singer Chinmayi Sripada reacted to it, taking a dig at the Nanban actor.
Chinmayi, who has always been vocal about instances of sexual harassment in the Tamil film industry and has also detailed her alleged abuse at the hands of lyricist Vairamuthu in the past, took to X and shared Jiiva’s clip. “I really do not understand how they are saying sexual harassment does not exist in Tamil Industry. HOW?!” wrote the singer.
This comes a day after Rajinikanth spoke to the media at the airport and said, “I don’t know. I don’t know anything about that. Sorry,” when he was asked about the Hema Committee report.