Vedhika is all geared up for her second stint in Telugu cinema with this Friday’s release Ruler. The actor who had last worked in Daggaraga Dooramga (2011) says the gap wasn’t intentional.
“Over these years, I have been straddling across Tamil and Malayalam industries. But my Tamil film Muni 4 was dubbed into Telugu as Kanchana 3 and did well here. I was away for eight years and I wanted to come back with something better. I am delighted to return to Telugu with Ruler,” explains Vedhika.
She calls her part in Ruler, a traditional girl with multiple shades. “I am playing a character with a strong spine in the film. You’ll see the character going through several shades of change. I have grooved for two songs – a melody and a Sankranthi number. I am glad that they have come out really well,” she says.
On being selected for the character in Ruler, the Baanam actor says that she got a call from director KS Ravikumar to discuss the script. “Ravikumar liked my performance in Kanchana 3 and offered me this role. I am happy as I felt it would be a good film to be associated with a great director like him,” she adds. The young actor feels that it is an honour to share screen space with Nandamuri Balakrishna.
“He is a legendary actor, who doesn’t have starry airs on screen and off. There is so much to learn by observing him. I have no words to describe his dedication on sets and his passion for cinema. He has a heart of gold and always likes to help others. Being paired with him in Ruler is something I am extremely grateful for,” declares an excited Vedhika.
Vedhika sounds confident of continuing her second innings after Ruler. “I am getting a few exciting offers and I hope things will work out for good soon,” she signs off.