Malayalam actor Mammootty has been roped in to play the villain in Akhil Akkineni’s upcoming film, Agent. The espionage-thriller, backed by Anil Sunkara, is being directed by Surender Reddy and will see Akhil as a spy agent. Initially, the makers have considered the likes of Mohanlal and Upendra for the role, but things never worked out.
“Mammootty will be playing the antagonist in Agent. The makers felt that Mammootty and Akhil will be an exciting combination and approached the former. The confrontation scenes and dialogues between them are going to be a treat to watch,” informs a source close to the development.
However, it is not known if these portions would be shot in India or abroad. “Akhil plays a spy and his role is inspired by the American action thriller franchise, The Bourne Series. Mammootty’s character makes a splash during an important sequence in the narrative. The film will be shot in multiple countries including India,” the source adds.
The film will go on floors on July 12 in Hyderabad. Agent will mark first collaboration between Mammootty, Akhil, and Surender Reddy. Also, it’s for the first time that the Hello actor is teaming up with the Race Gurram director. Vakkantham Vamsi has penned the story for the film that will see music by SS Thaman.
— Murali Krishna CH muralikrishna.db@ @onlymurali