Shriya Saran is one of those gorgeous actresses whose fan base has remained constant over the years. She made her debut with the Telugu film ‘Ishtam’ in 2001 and ruled the Telugu film industry for the next decade. Along with acting, her love for dance brought her closer to the audience. CE spoke with her about her jewellery and fashion choices as she visited Hyderabad for the inauguration of Kriya Jewellers, offering luxurious jewellery at affordable prices in KPHB.
A few words about Kriya Jewellers? What do you like most about their collection?
Their collection is very beautiful. What I really like about their designs is their intricacy. It’s wonderful to see such clear faces of Goddess Lakshmi, and there’s a piece featuring Krishna and Radha on a swing, which I think is beautiful. They also have lab-grown diamonds, and I love diamonds (laughs).
You look stunning in whatever you wear onscreen. What kind of jewellery do you prefer offscreen?
I prefer very light, basic jewellery. I usually don’t change my jewellery often; I wear what I like. I enjoy wearing a lot of bracelets and delicate jewellery. I mostly prefer traditional jewellery. When I wear anything traditional, I love having peacocks in my jewellery; I like birds more than animals in my designs.
What is your fashion mantra, and how have your fashion preferences evolved over the years?
I think my fashion sense has evolved over the years, like anyone else. As you grow, travel, and learn, your style changes. I usually love wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, and I am comfortable in shorts. I also enjoy wearing flowing dresses and sarees. At home, I mostly wear white kurtas and white pants or shorts. I love wearing white and colours, but I avoid black. I’m not a big fan of black.
Can you tell us how you always maintain your glow?
I think it’s also a lot of love from the audience. I feel very blessed to have started in the Telugu industry. There’s a lot of love, appreciation, and acceptance here. They have tolerated me over the years (laughs), so I’m grateful for that. It keeps me motivated to work harder to ensure that those who have supported me are happy with my work. That motivation helps me stay healthy and happy and take care of myself.
Any special memories with Hyderabad?
I made most of my friends in Hyderabad. I came here when I was 17, so all my really close friends are from Hyderabad. I have spent a lot of time with them, and they have been a guiding force even today. If I have any problems or issues, the first people I call are from Hyderabad. They have always been very helpful. Hyderabad, as a city, takes you in and gives you love; it’s a very accepting city. It has something for everyone. I love that it is growing and evolving. The city today is very different from when I first came. It’s a very livable city, great for children to grow up in. I love the fact that in Hyderabad, you can just show up at a friend’s house without making plans; the kitchen is always open, and they love to feed people. That’s what I love about Hyderabad.