Inspirational! Unable to afford coaching, Ritika cracks NEET code with YouTube classes, books

Ritika, who lives in Badarpur in a two-room accommodation with her parents and two younger brothers, did not initially even have a mobile phone.
Ritika of Sarvodya Kanya Vidyalaya, Molarband. (Photo | Special arrangement)
Ritika of Sarvodya Kanya Vidyalaya, Molarband. (Photo | Special arrangement)
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Among the many students who cleared NEET in 2021 is Ritika of Sarvodya Kanya Vidyalaya, Molarband, who aced the entrance without any private coaching. She had no access to online classes and study materials too during the pandemic. 

Ritika, who lives in Badarpur in a two-room accommodation with her parents and two younger brothers, did not initially even have a mobile phone or internet. Her father, who used to do embroidery in a private factory, lost his job during the Covid lockdown.

"We struggled for a meal and survived using the savings. But seeing my passion and good score (93%) in Class XII, my parents sold whatever jewellery my mother had saved for my wedding to buy me an android phone and book," said Ritika. 

She scored 500 marks and secured the 3,032 rank under the Scheduled Caste category. "I could not afford private coaching, so I cleared the exams by self-preparation using classes from YouTube and books. My principal and teachers helped and motivated me a lot and provided access to the school library."

A total of 436 students from Delhi schools cleared NEET this year. As per the data available, 51 students from Yamuna Vihar, 28 from Paschim Vihar, 16 from IP Extension, 15 from Loni Road, 15 from Molarband and 14 from Rohini school cleared NEET this year.

"Fifteen students from my schools have qualified for NEET. Last year, 42 students had cracked the exam but this year, due to Covid-19, we could not get in touch with many students as the classes were online and many migrated. Despite that, we called many students and also former students to guide and motivate other students... Teachers were always in touch with the children for both offline and online doubt-clearance and guidance," said Sujata Tamata , principal of SKV, Molarband. 

"Wow. So many students from Delhi government schools have qualified for NEET. Unimaginable till a few years back. I congratulate students, their parents and teachers. Together, u have shown that It is possible," tweeted Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.

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