KOLLAM : Life can sometimes take an unexpected turn. But, some find the zeal to still drive their own destiny. This is true of Sanoj Nadayil, who became an artist following a tragic accident in 2009.
Sanoj lost his right hand in the mishap. He was 24 years old and an aspiring actor when it happened. He had been working as a freelance wood sculptor. The accident forced him to give up his passion, his dream and his relationship.
Yet, he refused to give up and, using his left hand, found a new lease of life as a painter in his native village of Vilakkuvettom, in Punalur taluk. After a gradual rise to prominence, the 38-year-old is now a popular artist and motivational speaker.
“I lost more than just my right hand in the accident. As a 24-year-old, I struggled to come to terms with it. But I couldn’t allow a tragic incident to put me down, as I believed that life must go on. It depends on how you want to lead your life. My motivation and inspiration for life come from these factors. Whatever life we have should be lived with utmost happiness,” Sanoj told TNIE.
Sanoj chose to become a painter and use the canvas to express his emotions and desires. His works made it to an exhibition conducted at Punalur municipality as well as at various private exhibitions in Kollam district.
Sanoj describes his paintings as poems that represent his emotions, experiences and life goals. In ‘Adivasi Amma’, he brings to life the plight of tribal women and their misery under a patriarchal system.
‘’Birth control is frowned upon in Punalur’s tribal hamlets. Furthermore, tribal women have no control over their own bodies. They give birth until their bodies allow it. My work attempts to capture the misery and hopelessness of women who are forced to live under a strict patriarchal system. I believe that art is the only medium through which we can truly express ourselves,’’ he said.
Sanoj lives with his wife Viji, a nurse, son Uvan Sanoj and mother Saralabhai. He is working to realise his childhood dream of becoming an actor and owning a home. M A Nishad, a promising film director, has agreed to cast him in his next project.