HYDERABAD: A college-going girl and an elderly man lost their lives in separate incidents at Bowenpally and Charminar, respectively, on Wednesday morning. In the first incident, Vijay Kumar, the father of 17-year-old Vaishnavi, was on his way to drop her at MNR College in Kukatpally. He lost control of his bike due to mud and a DCM van closely following behind, ran over Vaishnavi, causing a critical spine injury, whereas, Vijay suffered bruises.
The Bowenpally police registered a case under IPC 337 (causing hurt by act endangering life). The accident is said to have not been directly caused by the DCM van driver. Police said that they will identify the driver and investigate the matter.
At the time of the incident, Vijay Kumar and Vaishnavi were coming from Dairy Farm Road. Vijay had taken the responsibility to drop his daughter for a few days to help her adjust to the new college. They were rushed to a nearby hospital, where Vaishnavi was reported to be in critical condition and undergoing treatment.
In another accident reported at Charminar police station, an elderly man lost his life while undergoing treatment after being hit by a speeding DCM van driver. The incident occurred early in the morning while he was heading towards Madeena. The DCM van knocked him down in front of the Nayaab Hotel, and he was immediately taken to Osmania Hospital.
However, he passed away while undergoing treatment.