HYDERABAD: On the occasion of World Environment Day, on Monday, the Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) organised a special event to highlight the State’s progress in the environmental sector.
Addressing this year’s theme, ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’, Minister for Forest and Environment, A Indrakaran Reddy, shared some concerning statistics. He revealed that Telangana produces around 1,082 tonnes of plastic waste per day, out of which 747 tonnes are utilised for oil extraction and alternate fuel.
However, he said, effective management was required for the remaining 345 tonnes by the municipal administration. During the event, Minister for Animal Husbandry Talasani Srinivas Yadav emphasised the importance of awareness-based actions to combat the threat of single-use plastic to animal and marine life.
The TSPCB has played an active role in implementing Plastic Waste Management and Handling Rules, resulting in an increase in plastic waste management from 600 tonnes per day to 1,439 tonnes per day. Telangana banned single-use plastics in July 2022.
Since the ban, joint inspections with the Central Pollution Control Board’s Regional Directorates, the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), and the Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration (CDMA) have been conducted.
Closure orders were issued to non-compliant units, resulting in the seizure of approximately 3,962 kg of plastic and the collection of Rs 11,35,718 in fines. During the event, awards were presented to industry, healthcare establishments, gram panchayats, municipalities, and municipal corporations for their outstanding performance. Students who participated in the hackathon organised by TSPCB last week were also felicitated.