THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: AI cameras detected close to 29,000 traffic violations across the state in the first nine hours on Monday. Kollam (4,778) recorded the highest number of offences while Malappuram (545) reported the lowest. The Motor Vehicle Department will start issuing challans by post for the violations from Tuesday.
The public can appeal against the penalty before the district enforcement RTO within 14 days of getting the challan.
The number of offences detected has reduced drastically over a period of nearly 45 days since the cameras were installed. The cameras detected 4.5 lakh traffic offences on the day it became active on April 20. There were 2,42,746 offences reported on June 2. “We are hoping to reduce the number of traffic violations with the help of technology and improve road safety,” said an officer.
The MVD installed 726 cameras as part of the Safe Kerala project. Of this, 692 cameras are functional currently. The cameras will be primarily used for finding offences such as bikers not using helmets and overloading, car passengers not fastening seat belts, drivers using mobile phones, jumping red signals, overspeeding, and dangerous and illegal parking. However, there will not be any penalty if the third passenger on the bike is a child under 12.