A cosmetic surgery changing people’s lives

An operation called Abdominoplasty, commonly known as Tummy Tuck removes the excess skin and fat from the middle or the lower abdomen, and tightens the muscles of the abdomen.
A cosmetic surgery changing people’s lives

KOCHI: An operation called Abdominoplasty, commonly known as Tummy Tuck removes the excess skin and fat from the middle or the lower abdomen, and tightens the muscles of the abdomen.
Loose skin, stretch marks and slack abdominal muscles are common legacies of pregnancy. The best candidates for tummy tuck are men or women who are in relatively good shape, but are bothered by the large fat deposits or loose abdominal skin that doesn’t respond to exercise or diet.Abdominoplasty is also not recommended for individuals who are grossly overweight, as the procedure is unlikely to benefit the person’s appearance.

The Procedure
The Tummy Tuck is quite a common procedure and gives the best results when the patient is prepared prior to the surgery. If overweight, the patient is advised diet and exercise as the best results from the procedure are obtained in patients who have the correct weight for their height. One is required to abstain from smoking, alcohol and taking aspirin and contraceptives at least two weeks prior to surgery.
In Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck, the plastic surgeon makes an incision in the lower abodomen at the hip level and draws the underlying muscle and tissue together to narrow the waistline and strengthen the abdominal wall. The surgeon also removes excess fat and contours the skin, tissue and muscle as needed. Abdominoplasty can be complete or partial.

Complete Abdominoplasty involves moving the navel and a new opening is kept for the navel to lie in the natural position of the tightened tummy. The incisions are then closed with fine stitches.Partial Abdominoplasty is performed when the fat deposits are limited to the area below the navel. This is a less complex procedure with a smaller incision. The navel is also not moved in this procedure. Sometimes, Abdominoplasty is done in conjunction with fat suction or liposuction for better results.

Abdominoplasty requires hospitalisation for 3 to 4 days. After the procedure, the patient is given pain killers for the post operative pain. Fine drainage tubes may be inserted at the sides of the stomach to drain off any collection of blood.  The patient is kept in bed for a few days with the knees and hips bent so as to take the strain off the stitches. Calf muscle  exercises and early ambulation is advised to reduce the risk of thrombosis.

Post procedure, patients often experience some numbness in the lower abdomen because the sensory nerves are necessarily interrupted when freeing the fat and skin from the abdominal muscles. However, there is nothing to worry as this numbness is usually temporary.

The complications that may occur after Abdominoplasty are the same as those associated with any major surgery. A specific complication is that the skin at the level of the main incision can become sloughy and eventually form a scar, which then separates. If the resultant scar causes distress it may be necessary to excise and re–stitch it. Smoking increases the chances of this complication occuring.

Recovery involves complete rest, and avoiding even normal domestic chores. The stitches usually stay for ten to fourteen days, and any pain can be helped by keeping the hips bent both when one is in bed and when one is walking about. Patients may resume work after a couple of weeks depending on the physique of the individual, but strenuous exercises should be avoided for at least three months. In the majority of cases, the results of Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck are long lasting, especially if the patient follows a balanced diet and exercises regularly.  

The author is a plastic surgeon at Aster MedCity, Kochi The views expressed by the author are his own.

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