Insect larvae method to treat biowaste gets nod

A team comprising health committee members and officials of the Kochi corporation visited the Palakkad-based Fabbco plant to understand the technique of waste management using the black soldier fly.
Black soldier fly.
Black soldier fly.

KOCHI: The Health Standing Committee of Kochi Corporation has approved the proposal to treat biowaste using black soldier fly (BSF) larvae and decided to issue a work order to two shortlisted firms on a trial basis.

“The health standing committee has approved a work order of 50 tons per day capacity to treat biowaste at Brahmapuram using black soldier fly larvae.

The proposal has been submitted to Kochi Mayor M Anilkumar for approval,” said T K Ashraf, chairman of the Health Standing Committee. “Once it’s approved by the mayor and presented before the council, we will move ahead with the project,” Ashraf said.

A team comprising health committee members and officials of the corporation visited the Palakkad-based Fabbco plant to understand the technique using the BSF.

“We visited the plant last week to study the technique. Following the visit, it was decided to issue a work order to both firms on a trial basis to treat 50 tons of biowaste per day. Based on the effectiveness and performance of each firm, further decisions would be taken,” Ashraf said.

He also said that the corporation is not in a position to invest in a waste treatment method.

“As per the proposal, the corporation only requires to give land to both firms and a tipping fee of Rs 2.48 per kg to treat biowaste,” said Ashraf, adding that the proposal will be submitted for approval from the mayor.

Mayor Anilkumar said that until the Bio-CNG plant of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited becomes a reality, Kochi Corporation needs to look at alternative solutions to treat biowaste at Brahmapuram. “As per the proposal using BSF, it required no investment from the corporation’s end. Once the health committee approves it, it will be presented to the council for approval. We are also considering treating waste using windrow composting methods,” the mayor said.

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