KOCHI: The police on Saturday arrested a Kollam native in connection with the death of a security guard at a hotel on MG Road in Kochi. The accused, identified as 32-year-old Mohadeen, worked as a driver at the same hotel.
The victim, 54-year-old Benny from Valakom, Pathanapuram, was a differently-abled security guard employed at the hotel. The incident occurred on August 5 when a clash erupted between Mohadeen and Benny. According to police reports, the altercation started when Benny was found conversing with another security guard during work hours, which angered Mohadeen. In a fit of rage, Mohadeen pushed Benny to the ground, causing Benny’s head to strike a hard surface. Benny sustained severe injuries and was initially treated at a private hospital in Kochi before being transferred to Kottayam Medical College. Unfortunately, Benny succumbed to his injuries on August 7.
Initially, the Ernakulam Central Police registered a case of unnatural death. However, after reviewing CCTV footage from the hotel, they reclassified it as a case of homicide. Mohadeen was summoned to the police station, where he was arrested. He has since been remanded to judicial custody after being presented in court.