BENGALURU: Autism is a dreaded condition, and hearing the words that their child is now ‘in the spectrum’ is a painful, disheartening experience for the parents. The hallmark features of this disorder are – lack of emotional reciprocation and seclusion with or without abstraction – a desire to be alone, stereotyped play and repetitive behaviours and mannerisms, narrow range of interests with an absent/overly developed abilities, lacking of communication and desire for socialisation.
There can be many other behavioural manifestations presenting along with these above characteristic deficits in the affected children, with individual variations, though the diagnosis is the same.This variation in the presentation of the ASD across children, calls for a deeper understanding of the underlying causes responsible for them. Though we hold/assume the probable cause to the genes, environmental assault, metal or chemical imbalances, vaccines, etc., for the want of an exact cause. The psychological basis of the spectrum is not duly acknowledged and but it needs more emphasis and consideration for research and may be an important piece to solve the overall puzzle.
I, personally, understand Autism as complex neuro-psychological disorder and its definite treatment is only possible when the mental aspect the Disorder is rectified. Studying the children in whom the condition was reversed, using homoeopathic medicines, has further endorsed the significance of treating the psychological aspect, to reverse/rehabilitate the disorder more effectively in a very short period. The conventionally done therapies like – occupation, speech, biomed, ABA, special diets, supplements, etc., chiefly work on the neuro-physical aspect of the body, but are nevertheless important for a holistic improvement, appropriate rehabilitation and support, on a case to case basis.
Physical enforcements as a form of therapy can also result in stress and often result in defiance, tantrums, weeping, different behaviors, in these children, if done beyond the necessity.
Many mannerisms considered to be ‘sensory issues’, are psychobiological in nature and may be resulting from individual mental aberrations. The maternal antenatal stress, too plays a role in the development / manifestation of the disorder. One such important findings is, delayed speech and communicative deficits in children whose mothers felt lack of love and affection from the care takers / husband.Homoeopathically remedying these effects on affected children has restored speech & expression and has also improved behavior and understanding.
Interdisciplinary research and studies on the effectivity of various several interventions, will immensely help in discovering the panacea for this disorder and finding better means of rehabilitation and support in the elders. Such studies greatly help the parents by creating an environment of correct awareness and educate the physicians, therapists, etc., in helping them and or guiding them more promptly, to the right direction. An environment of correct awareness must be created for parents tohelp put back these children in to the society, where they rightfully belong.
The author is the managing director, Mind Optima, Tristha Homeopathy Clinic