Feminine hygiene tips to keep in mind

There are a lot of feminine washes that are available in the market, but little do people know that the vagina is capable of taking care of its hygiene requirements.
Moves like this is more than just about providing a facility that it lacked on the premises. (Representational Image)
Moves like this is more than just about providing a facility that it lacked on the premises. (Representational Image)

There are a lot of feminine washes that are available in the market, but little do people know that the vagina is capable of taking care of its hygiene requirements. Recent research showed that the vagina consists of various good microorganisms known as Lactobacillus, that maintain the right PH balance, which in turn keeps it clean, infection-free and also reduces the risk of urogenital diseases. For the research, swabs were taken from 40 pregnant women across the country, and it was found that most Indian women had Lactobacillus as a major bacterial species, indicating a healthy vagina. This research helps in understanding why many deliveries in India happen before 37 weeks, and can also aid in decreasing premature birth.
There are a few things you can keep in mind:

  •  Women should watch what they eat. Carbohydrates should be consumed in moderation. Include pre-biotics such as onion, garlic, oats, soya bean 
  • and bananas.
  •  Many women contract the infection by using public toilets or by using dirty washrooms. Clean the vagina thoroughly every time you pee. Just washing with water is not enough, always use a dry tissue to wipe it, as leaving the vagina moist can cause bacterial growth.
  •  Clean your vagina before and after intercourse.
  •  Wear cotton underwear. Avoid nylons as it doesn’t let the vagina breathe.
  • You can use kitchen ingredients like coffee powder to scrub the dead skin from your vagina. Remember to use it only on the outside.
  • Always remove vaginal hair for hygiene purposes. You can use aloe vera after waxing or shaving.

Everything from following the right diet to wearing appropriate clothes to exfoliating it, helps in building vaginal health. Also, learning more about vaginal discharge will help you get a better grip on vaginal health.  
The author is Founder and Chairperson of the Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies institutionalized

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